Tactical LTE Solutions

Secure 4G LTE solutions for tactical networks and beyond.

Complement Tactical Communications with Secure Mobile Communications

With Bittium's tactical 4G LTE solutions it is possible to bring secure mobile communications to tactical networks and complement tactical radio communications.

The Tough Mobile 2 smartphone offers the soldier a wider range of applications to be used in tactical networks and the phone's big display enables a better user interface compared to traditional soldier radios.

Tough Mobile 2 Tactical is compatible with different battle management systems, which enables real-time and efficient creation and sharing of situational awareness in tactical networks.

Complete Solution for Soldier Mobile Communications

Bittium Tough Mobile 2 Tactical is a complete secure and rugged solution for mobile communications on the battlefield. It combines the Tough Mobile 2 smartphone, Bittium Tough SDR Handheld radio or 3rd party radio, and dedicated software and accessories.

Smartphone for Ultra Secure Communications

Bittium Tough Mobile 2 smartphone sets a new standard for ultra secure mobile communications. It has been designed and manufactured in Finland for professionals with stringent security and durability requirements.


Complete solution

No dependency on public Internet or cloud services

Rapid deployment

Optimized size, weight and power

Combines tactical communications with secure mobile communications

Seamless integration